Trx. Id: ea90c409f1554fba39f4a2e056b96b55fd892c3ebfed78f24960a0bd9952043c

Expiration Time: 2024-06-13T18:17:14.000

dao.hypha propose diegoolaya24 active

proposal_type : policy
proposer : diegoolaya24
dao_id : 37529
publish : false
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : title
      value : stringROLE: Architect & Builder, Strategic Advisor
      label : description
      value : stringROLE: Architect & Builder, Strategic Advisor for Eco-Village Projects Primary Responsibilities: * Eco-Village Project Expertise: Provide strategic advice on the overall approach to developing the eco-village, leveraging their extensive experience with similar projects. * Investor Engagement Strategy: Help shape the messaging and strategy for investor engagement, ensuring that the project?s vision and potential are clearly communicated to attract investors. * Guidance on Pitch Deck: Offer insights and feedback on the pitch deck to highlight the unique aspects of the project that will resonate with potential investors. * Future Architectural Role: Post-funding, they will take on a more direct role in the architectural design and planning of the eco-village. Strategic Approach: * Strategic Vision and Communication: Their early-stage role is to ensure that the project?s strategic direction and investor messaging are compelling and aligned with successful eco-village models. Their advice will be crucial in making the project attractive to investors and partners. * Experience-Driven Strategy: Leveraging their background in similar projects, this role will help refine the project?s narrative to emphasize its strengths and appeal to the target investor audience. If desired, their future involvement could transition into active architectural design and construction once funding is secured.
      label : url
      value : string
      label : name
      value : string