Trx. Id: e1d9035ff654cb66811ed1793fa23fea73723288e47dc3397158bbc0f07d3802

Expiration Time: 2024-06-15T14:55:40.500

dao.hypha propose godsolislove active

proposal_type : queststart
proposer : godsolislove
dao_id : 37529
publish : false
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : title
      value : stringTokenomic Proposal
      label : description
      value : string### Purpose The purpose of this quest is to share intentions for a tokenomic system and determine if they resonate with the Starseed team before proceeding further. This proposal is NOT in opposition to current plans; any ideas presented here can be implemented alongside the existing tokenomic design. This quest seeks to confirm the objectives of the system I have designed can work with the system Starseed prefers to implement. The biggest contrast my ideas from my understanding of the plans that the team had before I arrived is that I plan to heavily target retail investors, because I believe that there is a huge opportunity. I also am in fair opposition of providing real-world utility value for some of the tokens, but instead seek to implement solutions which fulfill the higher needs on Maslow?s hierarchy of needs. My preference to make token value and utility symbolic and provide feeling needs instead of a lower needs like security is in relation to my understanding of regulation. While I have heard members discuss that they don?t have a problem with registering a security, I certainly do, I think it?s unnecessary, and that we will raise a lot less money and have a lot more headaches going down the road we are currently going with high-touch investors. Low-touch, retail investors invest in ideas, and our biggest assets are the people who can weave a story and communicate that story in a way that brings people into a virtual community space where they can interact more with the project, form a deeper relationship, and eventually the right people will end up on the physical space. Furthermore, I believe that the physical location of Starseed is not the end all be all. I don?t like the mosquitoes, humidity, hydroplant, and I think there?s much better land other places. Creating a tokenomic system that is to interwoven with the physical land will mean failure if the location moves, but my systems will not, they can be implemented anywhere. It?s my objective to create the system which can be used for villages across the world, not just Starseed at the former Finca Arabia. This system rewards effort over time, as well as allows the tokenization of the physical land, but in a non-promisory way that regulators would have a difficult time attacking. ### Definition of Tokenomics and Scope While tokenomics broadly refers to all financial aspects of the project, this document will focus on the real working mechanisms that affect the daily lives of participants in Starseed Village and other villages. ### Goals of the Tokenomic System The goals of the tokenomic system can be categorized into three areas: financial, feeling, and operational. #### Financial Goals * Objective: Provide abundant funding and create lasting mutual benefits for participants who share value. * Strategy: Utilize and honor both high-context stakeholders and a variety of retail investors who may seek profit. > Note: We have briefly discussed the option of involving retail investors, understanding that the project does not want them in the main token. #### Feeling Goals * Objective: Cultivate a sense of belonging, tribalism, and pride among holders. The concept should be simple enough to communicate an ?Ah ha? moment in 45 seconds. * Strategy: Create an aura of exclusivity and desire through social proof. #### Operational Goals * Objective: Require the least amount of input while providing the most value for all participants. * Strategy: Incentivize people with a system that helps others onboard. Offer investor discounts for early participants, whales, or those willing to lock their tokens for a long period.
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      label : usd_amount
      value : asset500 USD
      label : voice_amount
      value : asset500.00 VOICE
      label : reward_amount
      value : asset500.00 SSV
      label : peg_amount
      value : asset0.00 SSVUSD
      label : start_period
      value : int6456507
      label : period_count
      value : int644
      label : recipient
      value : namegodsolislove