Trx. Id: daa73539a506b98514c411e8abb3061b514adb8ebd1d1686d406042753316cfb

Expiration Time: 2022-05-23T01:41:23.000

discussionsx notify eosforumanon active

metadata : {"type":"discussions3","actions":[{"id":"69a61523-62ef-4ac1-ab45-373c1d4cce3b","name":"post","community":"","content":"My first thought is, Good grief, this is why translators should be vetted via a weeb grading system. If you can't get these questions abut certain anime right you don't get the translation job. Second thought was she has translated a good few shows. I wonder how she has done on them.","hashtags":[],"identityPublicKey":"PUB_K1_5ZABLP8Nwik4k3TsaHZqKZ5k9y4RY7v98DfH4kSeXF5p8Nbd5s","mentions":[],"nonce":1653269720200,"parentId":"b9d25583-91d6-4952-b7ca-c26b70e8fae6","signature":"SIG_K1_Kij49deQGRC5QFZnq5VKxAhmCnZT5LmsShYs1PvgNL9esJ9EmYretsPyfRvV8U9o8eSwub9eSczuHbFHBqJ7krxwNPwEd8","threadId":"b9d25583-91d6-4952-b7ca-c26b70e8fae6","transfers":{}},{"id":"deeaaa23-9d59-48a5-bbf7-cd06168d2aef","name":"post","community":"","content":"I'm a Jew. I've seen a lot of anti semitism (means jew hate for you low IQ white people) around these parts. So I've come to clear the air.

Jews don't hate white people. We breed with white women when it suits us.

We need white people to build our houses and apartments.

Its not easy being the chosen race. Have to look good all the time. Can't work on Saturdays. But there can only be one Chosen people. That's us.

Get it?

Listen, we have the highest average IQ, we own the banks. Just list the bank names. Its all Jewish names. If you insult us we will destroy you. We will take your homes, your bank accounts, your cars, your means to work. And just to make sure it won't happen again we will take your children and convince them to be trans. So they cut off their dicks and destroy their reproductive systems.

My advise to the Charlie Browns of the world,

Stop talking, or you will be canceled from society (which we own) and forced to watch Fiddler On the Roof until you beg us for the sweet relief of death.
