Trx. Id: d2028dc70665b5dd217722738c970ff12fa508086ee34c0ca841ede9ba776971

Expiration Time: 2024-06-15T05:41:42.500

dao.hypha cmntadd godsolislove active

comment_or_section_id : 65921
author : godsolislove
content : A role should provide someone with the necessary credentials to create change for an agreed-upon objective. In this particular instance, it's imperative to declare the powers and responsibilities of this role, as well as the limitations and procedure for implementation, which would likely involve a vote or another role's approval. Presenting a tokenomics plan can be a quest, and I can re-do my quest proposal here. A role may be filled by anyone, again this feels like a role written for a person, which goes against what Hypha team teaches / recommends. It's not to be written for a person unless their name is on it. I don't agree to have DAO stuff thrown into this role without a clear understanding of how it's in-scope with tokenomics. Communicating with Hypha team to build their software doesn't seem to be in the scope of tokenomics. If you want DAO stuff here, you need to relate it to tokenomics, like "ensure the tokens work with the DAO" Domain should be clearly stated, as tokenomics (like voting mechanics) that were designed by Will would be in competition to this role unless this role has domain to either go around those plans or replace them. Lacking in this definition: Mention of a desired liquidity level, both in dollars and percentage of the economy. Actual goals for the tokenomic system (encourage active participation + reward contributions is too vague) like provide a system to reward labor on- and off-site, as well as reward financial contributions. Steps of approval (what roles are above this role or if not, what is the ratification procedure, or reference to policy where this is described)