Trx. Id: cbc82de4329ee90728d30fbaf692dfbc510cb781532bf12de03a473e0e1a864a

Expiration Time: 2023-03-20T17:34:39.000

tipitaccount sendtip tipitaccount active

symbol : KANDA
amount : 10
touser : @Orhan43
prevtx : 735c6f0d601df58a4afcf02f375965ed2b72b63f6dd15c8f15f8e6fe6e373031
contract : telokandaone
whotype : v2.1
memo : hah thats the telos squid games proposal system challenge . one day we will have a shark tank dragons den telos proposal system TV show on twitch with really funny telos bp characters douglas will be the nicer one and maybe jesse can be the tougher judge...maybe the ajor guys can be the serious foreign accent judge who is never impressed lol telos shark tank will be so cool to see telos proposals presented on stage in person and watch them get ripped apart by love bp judges AND a "who wants to be a millionaire/american idol" style live voting via sms for tipit sms + we would see the judges ask why the team deserves telos ...and watch the "live audience" do a ballot vote on decidevoter app ahahahaha
fromuser : @ackza
platformid : 2
platform : telegram
tomemo : 1091813029
previd : Parent
user : tipitaccount
frommemo : 213689564