Trx. Id: c6323691549300ebfde4c9548220c3fa58d9951b0a0e23a89f2a2d6de2641c5f

Expiration Time: 2024-06-08T12:40:17.500

dao.hypha propose cometogether active

proposal_type : assignment
proposer : cometogether
dao_id : 29983
publish : false
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : assignee
      value : namecometogether
      label : title
      value : stringHypha V3.0 Enabler
      label : description
      value : stringHypha V3.0 is our top and only priority. It?s the necessary condition for Hypha?s usefulness, credibility and even survival! I?m therefore stepping up in this new role to enable collective focus on enabling the successful realisation of this project and sub-projects. Using my 20+ experience of driving complex project structures, this proposal is for you (if you support this proposal) to allow me to take a leading role in making Hypha V3.0 achievable and a major success for Hypha. By approving this proposal, you confirm your trust and support for me to take action and foster out-of-the-box initiatives to make it possible. As you know, this project is a massive challenge, however, in my view the only way Hypha can create the impact and realise its vision based on 5 years of deep learnings. This is not about me, but all about the collective action. We can only succeed if we are all moving forward together. The strategy of creating a budget pool for Hypha V3.0 has been approved by the various councils and sense-making discussions. We now need to execute and if I get your support through this proposal, I intend to use all my experience to structure and lead us collectively towards a successful delivery, combining relationships, Knowledge and technology. This is not an easy challenge, so everyone is invited to deploy their best efforts towards the same objective. In that context, my new role focusing on enabling and coordinating Hypha V3.0?s resources, talents and activities in order to deliver by the end Q3 2024: * Facilitate the onboarding of skills and talents required to deliver the project across all 3 domains: Relationships, Knowledge and Technology * Consolidate a resource budget pool for Hypha V3.0: []( * Clarify sub-projects required to deliver Hypha V3.0: []( * Create bridges between pool funding projects and Hypha in order to include main priority features in the new solution. Thanks for supporting this role!
      label : url
      value : string
      label : salary_band_id
      value : int6453329
      label : time_share_x100
      value : int6430
      label : deferred_perc_x100
      value : int6470
      label : role
      value : int6453090
      label : start_period
      value : int6449535
      label : period_count
      value : int6410