Trx. Id: 2cefaea0d11f4c514341c97e70fb853eb07c61b1847ea9826367aee2ee27815a

Expiration Time: 2024-06-13T18:08:33.500

dao.hypha propose diegoolaya24 active

proposal_type : policy
proposer : diegoolaya24
dao_id : 37529
publish : false
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : title
      value : stringROLE: Financial Support and Data Room Advisor
      label : description
      value : stringROLE: Financial Support and Data Room Advisor Primary Responsibilities: * Financial Model Support: Assist Chief Operating Officer and Sveta in refining and finalizing the financial model. * Data Room Support: Provide support in organizing and maintaining the data room as needed, ensuring all necessary documents are accessible and up-to-date. * Strategic Financial Review: Offer periodic reviews and insights on the financial model to ensure alignment with the project?s goals. Strategic Approach: * Supporting Role: This role serves to provide targeted support in financial modeling and data management, leveraging their expertise to enhance the project?s financial readiness.
      label : url
      value : string
      label : name
      value : string