Trx. Id: 1b05ca38ace4f99f33bd6e7276fdffff0b8c7bcd735cc9d96a94ae364d5897e4

Expiration Time: 2024-06-05T08:03:01.500

dao.hypha propose aaaaarsenije active

proposal_type : assignment
proposer : aaaaarsenije
dao_id : 29983
publish : false
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : assignee
      value : nameaaaaarsenije
      label : title
      value : stringDHO: Sherpa
      label : description
      value : string_Design Engineering_ The goal of this role is to transition ideas into actions by establishing a clear path. It involves mediating and integrating technological relationships and knowledge into a unified framework through collaborative processes. This role is taking ownership of end to end processes. **Prototype Technology** _0-1 R&D, Building Prototypes_ When developing new features, the first step entails scoping and creating a prototype to test different components and explore possibilities. Therefore, the focus will be on investigating parts, creating prototypes, and determining how different components integrate into our product. **Design Knowledge** \- Working on DHO 3.0 blueprints and iterations of product architecture \- Creating clear blueprints based on our discussions and workshops. \- Ensuring that new features align with the current architecture. **Facilitate Relationships** \- Facilitating workshops to ensure alignment across core members. \- guidance for the dev team with technical specifications. \- help new member get onboarded
      label : url
      value : string
      label : salary_band_id
      value : int6453328
      label : time_share_x100
      value : int64100
      label : deferred_perc_x100
      value : int64100
      label : role
      value : int6453084
      label : start_period
      value : int6449536
      label : period_count
      value : int6412