12259.5898 TLOS
UNSTAKED18,118.0000 TLOS
STAKEDNET 0.0000 / CPU 0.0000
UNSTAKING0.27 ms. / 17.60 hr.
CPU 9,008.00 TLOS0.39 KB / 375.13 GB
BANDWIDTH 9,110.00 TLOS8.46 KB / 531.20 KB
fe71edd1ea... | 365827668 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.evm 1000.0000 TLOS | 0x1621b4bad599c14475707497917133c08dabf4ea | |
6f74ab97a0... | 365827590 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.evm 1.0000 TLOS | 0x1621b4bad599c14475707497917133c08dabf4ea | |
6f74ab97a0... | 365827590 |
address : 1621B4BAD599C14475707497917133C08DABF4EA account : bigironbptex |
321bdb197b... | 363121718 |
level : actor : bigironbptex permission : active proposer : telosunlimit proposal_name : aug2evmburn |
25800a1a54... | 362181059 |
owner : bigironbptex json : {"producer_account_name":"bigironbptex","org":{"candidate_name":"BigIron","website":"https://bigironbp.io","code_of_conduct":"https://bigironbp.io#code_of_conduct","ownership_disclosure":"https://bigironbp.io#ownership_disclosure","email":"[email protected]","github_user":"bigironbp","branding":{"logo_256":"https://bigironbp.io/bigiron-256.jpg","logo_1024":"https://bigironbp.io/bigiron-1024.jpg","logo_svg":"https://bigironbp.io/bigiron.svg"},"location":{"name":"Hillsboro,OR","country":"US","latitude":45.5339,"longitude":-122.957},"social":{"github":"BigIron-Dev","twitter":"BigIronBP","telegram":"BigIronBP","facebook":"bigironbp","youtube":"bigironbp"}},"nodes":[{"location":{"name":"Hillsboro,OR","country":"US","latitude":45.5339,"longitude":-122.957},"node_type":"producer"},{"location":{"name":"NewYork,NY","country":"US","latitude":40.7143,"longitude":-74.0060},"node_type":["query","seed"],"api_endpoint":"http://api.bigironbp.io","ssl_endpoint":"https://api.bigironbp.io","p2p_endpoint":"p2p.bigironbp.io:9876","features":["chain-api"]}]} |
b3364f8206... | 361872514 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 8399.7460 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
b3364f8206... | 361872514 |
owner : bigironbptex |
b05ec55dfb... | 359440702 |
producer_key : PUB_K1_712mhzh3AGc3sEm1uENjVMr3XxBRSL6yq3oZfv522KDXnz5H3Z producer : bigironbptex location : 0 url : https://bigironbp.io |
a81599c4c5... | 359438441 |
producer_key : PUB_K1_712mhzh3AGc3sEm1uENjVMr3XxBRSL6yq3oZfv522KDXnz5H3Z producer : bigironbptex location : 0 url : http://bigironbp.io |
ce45576144... | 358990063 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls bigironbptex bp.boid caleosblocks creativblock eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kainosblkpro ledgerwisete mosaicblocks projectblanc southafrica1 swapsicledex teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen teloskiwinzz telosmadrid1 telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew totaltelosbp vairosean123 votedutcheos votetelosusa |
fd07e2acd1... | 358988873 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls bigironbptex bp.boid caleosblocks creativblock eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kainosblkpro ledgerwisete mosaicblocks projectblanc southafrica1 swapsicledex teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen teloskiwinzz telosmadrid1 telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew vairosean123 votedutcheos votetelosusa |
07f2a3bea2... | 357404513 |
producer_key : PUB_K1_72MWoEyrbhjgLQa3DEJ6qGb62tvh1KTA8DbZfGyWabFkaMg4z6 producer : bigironbptex location : 0 url : https://bigironbp.io |
f1f6ec080a... | 357367844 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 4859.2022 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
f1f6ec080a... | 357367844 |
owner : bigironbptex |
30ff3d811a... | 349070558 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls bigironbptex caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kainosblkpro kandaweather ledgerwisete mosaicblocks omnidexblock projectblanc southafrica1 swapsicledex teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew votedutcheos votetelosusa |
39c1ac331f... | 349059127 |
producer_key : PUB_K1_72MWoEyrbhjgLQa3DEJ6qGb62tvh1KTA8DbZfGyWabFkaMg4z6 producer : bigironbptex location : 0 url : http://mainnet.bigironbp.io |
691cd7c650... | 348905158 |
parent : owner auth : keys : weight : 1 key : PUB_K1_72MWoEyrbhjgLQa3DEJ6qGb62tvh1KTA8DbZfGyWabFkaMg4z6 threshold : 1 permission : active account : bigironbptex |
8877711b28... | 347396098 |
bigironbptex -> tfrp1112223t 44466.0000 TLOS | ||
d8e57b4723... | 347395620 |
eosio.rex -> bigironbptex 44396.8810 TLOS | withdraw from REX fund | |
d8e57b4723... | 347395620 |
owner : bigironbptex amount : 44396.8810 TLOS |
d8e57b4723... | 347395620 |
rex : 218050100.7585 REX from : bigironbptex |
be79b2e343... | 347395030 |
bigironbptex -> tfrp1112223t 77400.0000 TLOS | ||
89493e59bb... | 347394752 |
bigironbptex -> tfrp1111112r 100000.0000 TLOS | ||
6ed726b435... | 347394350 |
bigironbptex -> tfrp1111112r 10.0000 TLOS | test | |
475c29078d... | 346524210 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
8085d2d968... | 346524069 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
cc43523723... | 346500168 |
eosio.rex -> bigironbptex 177400.1151 TLOS | withdraw from REX fund | |
cc43523723... | 346500168 |
owner : bigironbptex amount : 177400.1151 TLOS |
cc43523723... | 346500168 |
rex : 872200403.7821 REX from : bigironbptex |
0e62e2b7e1... | 346124236 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
34b2d8f5bd... | 345440598 |
bigironbptex -> tfrp1111112r 10.1100 TLOS | test | |
14cfdd3c0d... | 336836250 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
d537db2da1... | 336835500 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
244c41a49d... | 312594443 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod goodblocktls infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
cd5972edb0... | 287296756 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: argentinatls caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod goodblocktls infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 telosgreenbp teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
9dac5190b5... | 278331911 |
ballot_name : tedp.4.gov options : no voter : bigironbptex |
fce3074bba... | 278307863 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.stake 9100.0000 TLOS | stake bandwidth | |
fce3074bba... | 278307863 |
amount : 9100 stake_net_quantity : 9100 transfer : false receiver : bigironbptex from : bigironbptex stake_cpu_quantity : 0 |
a9be7c028e... | 278307823 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.stake 9000.0000 TLOS | stake bandwidth | |
a9be7c028e... | 278307823 |
amount : 9000 stake_net_quantity : 0 transfer : false receiver : bigironbptex from : bigironbptex stake_cpu_quantity : 9000 |
c3c9df8026... | 278307687 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.ramfee 0.1005 TLOS | ram fee | |
c3c9df8026... | 278307687 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.ram 19.9995 TLOS | buy ram | |
c3c9df8026... | 278307687 |
receiver : bigironbptex quant : 20.1 payer : bigironbptex |
d8bdb56029... | 278298732 |
ballot_name : tedp.4 options : yes voter : bigironbptex |
adfeae7952... | 278298607 |
referrer : null voter : bigironbptex treasury_symbol : 4,VOTE |
653ddf53ac... | 244630972 |
producer : bigironbptex |
7e259c706a... | 237051527 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 136.9864 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
7e259c706a... | 237051527 |
owner : bigironbptex |
ef915c1a02... | 235842026 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 9.1325 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
ef915c1a02... | 235842026 |
owner : bigironbptex |
ff7610fdc9... | 233423197 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 273.9730 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
ff7610fdc9... | 233423197 |
owner : bigironbptex |
358eb53a0f... | 232214499 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 118.7216 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
358eb53a0f... | 232214499 |
owner : bigironbptex |
92056f2df5... | 231006205 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 2328.7701 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
92056f2df5... | 231006205 |
owner : bigironbptex |
38f571c0e3... | 229797312 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 3068.4970 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
38f571c0e3... | 229797312 |
owner : bigironbptex |
2b673552c3... | 228589401 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 3068.5275 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
2b673552c3... | 228589401 |
owner : bigironbptex |
7c60bac91b... | 227380704 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 3068.4971 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
7c60bac91b... | 227380704 |
owner : bigironbptex |
0eeda5ea90... | 226171204 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 3068.4971 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
0eeda5ea90... | 226171204 |
owner : bigironbptex |
5e0eb01f8d... | 224961788 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 3068.4970 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
5e0eb01f8d... | 224961788 |
owner : bigironbptex |
38fb03856e... | 224219683 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: amsterdam argentinatls bigironbptex caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod goodblocktls infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosmiamibp telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
38fb03856e... | 224219683 |
bigironbptex -> sqrlwalletio 1.0000 SQRL | Here's a SQRL for covering my CPU and NET for this transaction ;-) Thank you! | |
80497c13bd... | 223931331 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.rex 11730.0000 TLOS | deposit to REX fund | |
80497c13bd... | 223931331 |
owner : bigironbptex amount : 11730.0000 TLOS |
80497c13bd... | 223931331 |
bigironbptex -> sqrlwalletio 1.0000 SQRL | Here's a SQRL for covering my CPU and NET for this transaction ;-) Thank you! | |
54980f1827... | 223752553 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 2318.2694 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
54980f1827... | 223752553 |
owner : bigironbptex |
5d3d3a3570... | 223652674 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: amsterdam argentinatls bigironbptex caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod goodblocktls infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosmiamibp telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
5d3d3a3570... | 223652674 |
bigironbptex -> sqrlwalletio 1.0000 SQRL | Here's a SQRL for covering my CPU and NET for this transaction ;-) Thank you! | |
edcabe9c2c... | 223652516 |
bigironbptex voted for : Proxy: Producers: amsterdam bigironbptex caleosblocks creativblock dailytelosbp eosiodetroit eosphereiobp eostribeprod eosvenezuela goodblocktls infinitybloc kandaweather sentnlagents southafrica1 teamgreymass teleologytls teloscentral telosglobal1 teloskitchen telosmadrid1 telosmiamibp telosuknodes telosunlimit theteloscope theteloscrew tlosimperabp votedutcheos votetelosusa |
edcabe9c2c... | 223652516 |
bigironbptex -> sqrlwalletio 1.0000 SQRL | Here's a SQRL for covering my CPU and NET for this transaction ;-) Thank you! | |
7f3353d35c... | 222543079 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 2120.8411 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
7f3353d35c... | 222543079 |
owner : bigironbptex |
7a8d2ad94d... | 221333730 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 1470.7023 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
7a8d2ad94d... | 221333730 |
owner : bigironbptex |
b318101734... | 220126683 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 555.4583 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
b318101734... | 220126683 |
owner : bigironbptex |
47cddc93bc... | 218917168 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 788.5597 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
47cddc93bc... | 218917168 |
owner : bigironbptex |
1f71a33857... | 215291377 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 663.3693 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
1f71a33857... | 215291377 |
owner : bigironbptex |
9dde37e75c... | 214082450 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 20.7303 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
9dde37e75c... | 214082450 |
owner : bigironbptex |
1c9e0ea471... | 213433698 |
bigironbptex -> eosio.stake 1.0000 TLOS | stake bandwidth | |
1c9e0ea471... | 213433698 |
amount : 1 stake_net_quantity : 0 transfer : false receiver : bigironbptex from : bigironbptex stake_cpu_quantity : 1 |
1c9e0ea471... | 213433698 |
bigironbptex -> sqrlwalletio 1.0000 SQRL | Here's a SQRL for covering my CPU and NET for this transaction ;-) Thank you! | |
8a1554c8ef... | 212875131 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 57.0083 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
8a1554c8ef... | 212875131 |
owner : bigironbptex |
533c55703b... | 211666797 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 601.1784 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
533c55703b... | 211666797 |
owner : bigironbptex |
a34d47f950... | 210459024 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 963.9601 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
a34d47f950... | 210459024 |
owner : bigironbptex |
7b9c277600... | 208044168 |
eosio.bpay -> bigironbptex 165.8424 TLOS | Producer/Standby Payment | |
7b9c277600... | 208044168 |
owner : bigironbptex |