Trx. Id: f8ce9097deea602698c4ad0d4f91f35752b2a2c316d1931b4dfab57111cece5a

Expiration Time: 2021-02-09T12:52:14.500

dao.hypha create dangermouse1 active

names :
   value : role
   key : type
   value : dangermouse1
   key : owner
   value : newrole
   key : trx_action_name
assets :
   value : 190000.00 USD
   key : annual_usd_salary
time_points :
floats :
strings :
   value : Finance and Expansion Magi
   key : title
   value : **Purpose** To drive and manifest the next stage of financing and expansion for Hypha and Seeds Ecosystem. This role would sit in the root Hypha Circle and would have LL badge status and CS audience. **Accountabilities** Drive financing of seeds eco system through pollinate dho. Assist new dhos in the 0-1 pulling together teams, capital and ideas. Please see @everyone explanation of the proposal in my WOL and in Seeds server regarding the Pollinate Dho and its contingencies. To continue high value movement building and strategic alliance onboarding. To continue role as strategic advisor. To continue role as experienced entrepreneur highlighting the needs for discipline and accountability. **Domain** Financing and high value strategic alliances Historic contribution: In my role the past year I have been instrumental in contributing to Hypha?s evolution through suggestions of implementation of numerous hypha protocols. I have raised the majority of the capital into hypha both in the previous significant financing round and ongoing driving the hypha seeds sale.
   key : description
   value :
   key : url
ints :
   value : 75
   key : min_deferred_x100
   value : 100
   key : fulltime_capacity_x100
   value : 80
   key : start_period
   value : 92
   key : end_period
scope : proposal
trxs :