Trx. Id: ee296bf5a232b74f76f12f9992e18f44057ac7fcb92f5fad4309220dc31c5886

Expiration Time: 2024-04-26T12:46:39.000

dao.hypha proposeupd cometogether active

proposal_id : 64654
proposer : cometogether
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : title
      value : stringBug Report Policy
      label : description
      value : stringThis policy aims to clarify the process to report bugs identified in the Hypha's DAO system. To report a bug, please follow the guided structure below: * Steps to reproduce: Describe steps and clicks to get to the issue. Links and screenshots are also valuable. * Expected result: Describe what you would expect as a result performing these steps * Current result: Describe the current behaviour and why it prevents you to perform the desired action. Send these bug reports to Alex for further analysis and routing to the Hypha's team if the issue reported requires a fix.
      label : url
      value : string
      label : name
      value : string