Trx. Id: e026d18934697f3d1937e54b1f1c6d37cc1df241312834335eadb306fb74d7ca

Expiration Time: 2021-03-09T08:30:12.500

dao.hypha propose dangermouse1 active

proposal_type : assignment
proposer : dangermouse1
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : role
      value : checksum256AC9EB1F9DA8FA7E04517D126B1F81D606A66EC0B4EEE269AF1F5865E4D7B4BA9
      label : assignee
      value : namedangermouse1
      label : title
      value : stringFinance and Expansion Magi
      label : description
      value : string\*\*Circle and Budget: \*\* Anchor (to be voted on by all members) Budget, currently just me but circle will expand as team on boarded.  Value to Hypha will be reflected in ownership of Pollinate Dho **Objective:** Financing:  driving high value individuals and entities into the Hypha Seeds sale and driving a larger financing for  hypha and the entire Seeds eco system.  Potential structure through a new DHO Pollinate Expansion: Drive high value strategic partnerships and continue bringing in high value individuals in alignment with the eco-system strategic vision.
      label : start_period
      value : checksum256F89F194230CA6D09AE51255678C278C714DEF83EA87471E503131EC35E967E3A
      label : period_count
      value : int6412
      label : time_share_x100
      value : int64100
      label : deferred_perc_x100
      value : int6475