Trx. Id: 9727debe26787c63fd87792e12d7325594b5c52f5f369b7517e9b7823fcdfac9

Expiration Time: 2024-05-04T11:33:52.500

dao.hypha cmntadd jesseenki111 active

comment_or_section_id : 64718
author : jesseenki111
content : Suggestions for Streamlining the Mission Circle Given the feedback and to avoid overlap, here are suggested adjustments for the Mission Circle, focusing more on external communications and marketing, allowing the Circle of Light to handle internal spiritual and cultural aspects: Refocus the Mission Circle on External Relations: Remove internal coordination and support elements that overlap with the functions of the Circle of Light concerning community spiritual guidance. Emphasize roles in external communication, public relations, marketing, and broad-based community engagement that goes beyond the internal community to include potential partners, stakeholders, and the public. Define Clear Boundaries: Clearly define that the Circle of Light handles all matters related to spiritual guidance, internal activations, and transformational experiences, ensuring these are not duplicated by the Mission Circle. The Mission Circle should focus solely on promoting the organization's objectives, projects, and achievements externally, managing the organization's public image, and engaging with external stakeholders.