Trx. Id: 730c6fa6855b4ad1dab9b1c936ebc4ac5df4b8d865f8079fb57c42654613f3ff

Expiration Time: 2024-05-04T11:26:59.500

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comment_or_section_id : 64718
author : jesseenki111
content : Just had a conversation with Zach around this circle and its history. I believe it was originally a comminucations circle that incorporated marketing, events, PR and external communication? I think that if those rolse are being fulfilled by this circle it is not paticularly clear. It appears that the majority of the roles within this circle as presented here are focused on internal communications or, ethics and conflict resolution which appears to be mostly fulfilled by the governance and circle of light? This would allow an oppurtunity for marketing, evvents, PR, sales and GROWTH to have a clear house within these circles we fed these circles into ChatGPT and it agreed that most of the things listed in the mission circle overlap with both governance and circle of light