Trx. Id: 267e20c63da7f68243d1000ab0fbb4360aabf5e85c379938ac43e7ff481d152f

Expiration Time: 2021-11-05T18:08:02.000

dao.hypha propose dangermouse1 active

proposal_type : assignment
proposer : dangermouse1
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : period_count
      value : int6412
      label : url
      value : string
      label : time_share_x100
      value : int6410
      label : deferred_perc_x100
      value : int64100
      label : role
      value : checksum256451CFBC4FC446C0CBEE89D79103F86E093401E33B87862D4E561262828BDFC86
      label : assignee
      value : namedangermouse1
      label : start_period
      value : checksum256B3A98176F863E6D85854026A391364BC3489D54367C4016ED850EBE858486854
      label : title
      value : string Strategic Anchor Role
      label : description
      value : string**Circle requesting: Anchor Cricle** **1st - What have you been doing?** I have been with Hypha since 2019 responsible for driving funding and helping steer accountability and governance for the whole. I have raised the majority of capital for Hypha.  For the past year I have not been in a role within Hypha however I feel that my experience and strategic value can be useful to Hypha in its next phase of growth. **2nd - What are you wanting to do?** The _Strategic Anchor Role_ is based on a _B7 Catalyzing and Connecting_ archetype and makes applicants eligible to join the _Strategic Anchor Council_.  As a member of the council, I am here (1) to embody Hypha?s overall purpose (North Star), (2) to protect Hypha?s external boundaries and internal protocols, (3) to interact with Hypha?s circles (via LLs), (4) to prioritize and discern strategic elements and (5) to enable strategic initiatives across the organization. Primary responsibilities include: \* Attending (and at times facilitating ) Strategic Council Meetings (per recurring schedule) \* Processing existing and formulating new ?strategic tensions? (see boards) \* Collectively prioritizing preferred solutions and assigning implementation partners inside and outside the organization \* Discussing solutions with key stakeholders inside and outside the organization Primary charter of the _Strategic Anchor Council_ is to foster and promote organizational transformation & marketplace activation, to catalyze and to connect within and across our networks and to assume leadership that is contextual, participative, and assertive. This is a ?composite role? with shared responsibilities. We will only succeed if each one of us contributes in equal measure to the whole, like a fractal or like the contours of a larger being taking shape. As such, the only measurable target we need is to ensure participation in the decision process (we?ll add the name after the consent round).